Managing the Color Library
Through the color library, you can optionally build a library of common color names for use as component colors or product colors. Add new color names that you can utilize as product colorways within the platform.
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Managing the Year Library
The year library can help you archive collections and products you've made. Add a year at the bottom of the field by using the fill-in. To delete a year, simply click the red trash bin icon to the right of the desired year.
Adding a New Color
Scroll to the bottom of the Color Library panel. You will find the green fill-in labeled "Add", where you can create new colors to use throughout the platform.
Component Summary: Color
Within the component summary page, find "Color" on the left-hand navigation menu. Here, you will be able to assign colors from your presets to your component, or simply add a new color by clicking the green button at the top right of the screen.
Managing Permissions
There is a list with checkboxes within each 'Edit User' pop-up. Simply check the box on the left of the desired user to allow or deny permission to certain aspects of the platform.
Managing Passwords
Manage your passwords by clicking the green wrench icon to the right of each user’s name. This allows you to edit each user’s permissions, name, password, etc.